Worried about trying to get a seat at one of Edmonton’s hottest, most innovative spots to nosh? Good news! You don’t need to vie for a table at What the Truck?! Edmonton’s Food Truck Extravaganza. To kick off the start of Edmonton’s (admittedly short) outdoor eats season, the festival rolls into town on May 26th from 3 pm-8 pm on Capital Boulevard by the Alberta Legislature Grounds.
To help you navigate What the Truck?! here are 5 can’t miss tips to help you make the most out of the Food Truck Extravaganza:
Have a Plan of Attack
As every die-hard festival goer knows, attending a popular annual event such as this is equal parts science and art. Recognizing you need a plan of attack is the first step. Take a look at the What the Truck website for which trucks will be in attendance and their menus so you have an idea of which trucks you want to hit.
Be Adventurous

But, be adventurous! There may be trucks you aren’t familiar with. Give them a shot, you never know if you will find a new thing to love! One can never, ever, have too many green onion cakes and mini donuts, but don’t you want to expand your food repertoire?
Spread the Food Truck Love
Have a bit of food from many trucks rather than lots of food from only one. If you are with a group that is okay with sharing (and why would you be friends with anyone who doesn’t share?) then you can each have a few bites of everything.
Bring your patience! There will be line ups. You will have to wait. Please don’t be surprised by this. Just look at it as the perfect time to get some pics of your good time up on Instagram, or better yet, take the opportunity to chat with some of your fellow line mates. A good ice breaker is: “Do you have any food recommendations?”
Don’t Forget to Bring…
Other than your patience, there are a few things to bring to the What the Truck Extravaganza. Firstly, you will want to bring cash as many of the food trucks are cash-only operations. Depending on the weather, pack along some sunscreen and a hat/umbrella and galoshes/parka and toque. It’s all outside and no one wants you defeated by the elements! And if you are going to be tucking in to stay awhile, you may want to bring a picnic blanket or folding chair so you have a spot to sit while you eat.
What the Truck?!… Download the App!
Didn’t get the chance to grab a bite from your fave purveyor of street food? Don’t despair! Keep an eye on where the foodie action is with the Street Food app. It tracks the trucks in Edmonton on any given day. Plus, in addition to the kick-off event, What the Truck?! has two more events scheduled for 2018: a mid-season festival on July 6th from 5 pm-10 pm at the Valley Zoo…a brand new venue for the fest; and the always popular season finale. This year it returns to Re/Max Field (Edmonton Ball Park) on August 26th, from 11 am-6 pm.