Just last summer while on a driving holiday through the incredibly scenic Saguenay-Lac Saint-Jean region of Quebec (210 kilometres from Quebec City), I learned about l’Association des plus beaux villages du Québec. “The Most Beautiful Villages in Quebec.” There are 38 in total and I was lucky to spend a couple days exploring one of them: l’Anse-Saint-Jean.
Every now and then I’m assailed with a wave of “travel envy” when I encounter a region, an experience or a gem of nature that prompts within me a certain wishfulness: “Oh, if only we had something like that closer to home.” “Can you imagine living in a place as beautiful as this?” I felt that way three years in the south of France, where I visited the gorgeous towns of Roussillon and Les Baux-de-Provence and discovered they were on the country’s official list of “Les beaux villages de la france. (The Most Beautiful Villages in France).” I remember thinking, “I wish we had that kind of designation back home in Canada.” Turns out we do!